Sunday 29 December 2013

बच्चों को योग सिखाने के लाभ

- इससे बच्चें शांत होते है.
- आज के दौर में बच्चें भी बहुत तनाव में होते है. योग से उनका तनाव दूर होता है.
- योग बच्चों की एकाग्रता और संतुलन को बढाता है.
- योग करने से बच्चें सक्रीय और बेहतर जीवन शैली की ओर कदम बढाते है.
- योग करने से बच्चों की नींद और अच्छी होती है. 
- योग करने से बच्चों की कार्य प्रवीणता यानी मोटर स्किल में वृद्धि होती है. वे बारीक से बारीक और भारी से भारी काम ज़्यादा अच्छे से करते है.

- योग करने से बच्चों का पाचन अच्छा होता है . इससे उनके मुंह का स्वाद और भूख खुलने से वे सब कुछ खाना पसंद करते है. वे जंक फ़ूड से दूर रह पाते है.
- योग से बच्चों में लचीलापन और शक्ति बढती है.
- योग से बच्चें बेहतर तरीके से अपने विचार लिख-बोल पाते है. उनका आत्मविश्वास बढ़ता है.
- योग से बच्चें अपने शरीर , मन , विचार और बुद्धि के प्रति जागरूक होते है.
- योग करने से बच्चों का शारीरिक और मानसिक विकास होता है.
- इससे बच्चों में रोग प्रतिकारक शक्ति का विकास होता है. बार बार सर्दी खांसी , अस्थमा और पेट की गड़बड़ी नहीं होती. 
- बच्चों में किसी प्रकार की एलर्जी नहीं होती. 
- बचपन में शरीर हल्का और लचीला होता है. कई आसन बचपन से ही करना चाहिए जैसे शिर्षासन. इससे बड़े हो कर भी वे अच्छे से सभी आसन कर पाते है. 
- योग भारत का गौरव है इसे हर भारतीय को करते आना चाहिए. इससे देश के प्रति अभिमान में वृद्धि होती है. 
- योग सीख लेने पर एक शैली में बच्चा निपुण हो जाता है. यह उसे अपने आगे के जीवन में बहुत काम आयेगा.
- योग से प्राप्त लचीलापन , शारीरिक और मानसिक क्षमता अन्य खेल और कला सीखने में काम आएँगी. 

Friday 27 December 2013

FIBER: Importance & Benefits

For one to stay healthy, proper diet and regular exercise is very important. According to the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA), as we grow older, it becomes necessary to consume a diet which is rich in fiber and low in carbohydrates, and this consists of about 20 to 35 grams of fiber per day.

What Is Fiber?

Fiber is also known as roughage. It is the indigestible part of plant foods that pushes through our digestive system, absorbing water along the way and easing bowel movements.
The word fiber (North American) can also be spelled fibre (British). It comes from the Latin word fibra, meaning fiber, thread, string, filament, entrails. Dietary fiber refers to nutrients in the diet that are not digested by gastrointestinal enzymes.

Fiber is found in all plant foods, like vegetables and fruits as well as in legumes and whole grains. This complex food element is not absorbed or digested completely like most other food, and passes through the digestive tract mostly as a whole. This way of digesting helps in the movement of stool and harmful carcinogens from the body.

Types of Fiber

A fiber-rich diet must include both types of fiber – soluble and insoluble.

Soluble Fiber – Soluble fiber dissolves in water. It changes as it goes through the digestive tract, where it is fermented by bacteria. As it absorbs water it becomes gelatinous. The food rich in soluble fiber are oats, oat bran, legumes, and fruits. These dissolve with water in the body and form a gel like substance that helps in lowering the cholesterol and glucose level.

Insoluble Fiber - Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water. As it goes through the digestive tract it does not change its form. Food like whole wheat bran, wheat, rye, sprouts, and nuts are rich in insoluble fiber. Intake of these aid in moving waste from the body through the digestive tract as these fibers absorb water and form a bulk which moves quickly.


A high fiber diet has no calories and helps in weight loss (as it gives a feeling of fullness and helps in eating less), fights constipation, and regulates digestive disorders. Low fiber diet increases the risk of colon cancer and heart ailments.

Benefits of soluble fiber:

It reduces cholesterol, especially levels of LDL (bad cholesterol)
It regulates sugar intake, this is especially useful for people with diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Food sources of soluble fiber include: kidney beans, pinto beans, brussels sprouts, broccoli, spinach, zucchini, apples, oranges, grapefruit, grapes, prunes, oatmeal, and whole-wheat bread.

Benefits of insoluble fiber:

Promotes regular bowel movements and prevents constipation
Speeds up the elimination of toxic waste through the colon
By keeping an optimal pH in the intestines, insoluble fiber helps prevent microbes from producing substances which can lead to colorectal cancer
Food sources of insoluble fiber include: vegetables - especially dark green leafy ones, root vegetable skins, fruit skins, whole wheat products, wheat bran, corn bran, nuts, and seeds.

It is important to note that a balanced diet should consist of all food forms. One must not eliminate other food to consume high fiber diet. Just make sure that your diet has good fiber as it will reduce the risk of ailments like cancer, diabetes, and gastrointestinal problems, and also help in losing weight.

Immune System: Tips for Improvement

Immune health is the backbone of every human system. It is dependent on many factors namely the genetic background one is born with, age, medical history and chemicals the human body is exposed to. We humans have such hectic lifestyles that stress is part and parcel of our daily lives. All these factors affect your stamina.

The human body is prone and susceptible to damage if proper steps are not taken in that direction. Regular exercise regime, proper diet, right nutrition and small lifestyle changes will make a lot of difference. We all have to take a closer look into enhancing our immunity towards diseases and learn about the top five tips that will help boost immunity from within.

 The immune system is a network of cells and body tissues that work in collaboration to protect human body from infections or viruses. White blood cells are good cells that protect the body and help fight diseases to maintain good health.

1. Include Protein in your Diet
Protein as we all know is a great building block for a healthy body and mind. It also helps to keep the immune system healthy. A protein rich diet is advised by nutritionists worldwide for a leaner and healthier shape. Low protein food has low fibre content and this stresses the immune system as it consists of carbohydrates. Hence, your first step should be to add protein to your everyday diet.

2. Limit or Minimize Sugar Intake
If you want to stay healthy and boost your immunity system then sugar in any form is a strict no-no. When people give into sugar craving or urge to binge in chocolates, then they are most likely to experience a sudden drop in energy levels. Dieticians suggest to avoid any form of carbonated drinks and starchy sugary stuff for a healthier life.

3. Early to Bed and Early to Rise
Adequate amount of sleep is quintessential when it comes to a better lifestyle. Your body gets tired after a hard day’s work, so it is important that you get eight to ten hours of sound sleep in a day.

4. Eat Right Foods and Supplements
Read the nutritional content value on the labels of all the food you intake. Vegetables and fruits consumed in their natural and raw form have high fibre content. The enzymes help you and protect good cells in the body. Those following a hectic schedule often opt for supplements to keep their body healthy. These supplements are readily available and easily found in all health stores.

5. Follow Yoga or Exercise
Listen to your body’s needs, do whatever suits you and your lifestyle. Doing breathing exercises like Pranayama and Yoga will improve your body’s metabolism. These are also good for the digestive system, which in turn improves your immunity. Deep and slow breathing do wonders to one’s body and you will surely notice the change in your thinking and body mechanism if you do it regularly.

These lifestyle changes that you will follow will have you on the right track for a better tomorrow.

Sunday 22 December 2013

Salads: The Best Choice for Good Health

Making one simple change to your diet – adding a salad almost every day – can pay off with plenty of health benefits. A salad is only as good as the quality of its ingredients, and to make a truly great salad you’ve got to use ingredients that are fresh, ripe and in season. If you think the world of salad is limited to watery lettuce and a few chopped tomatoes and cucumbers, think again. There are an endless amount of wonderful combinations and you can make a salad as simple or as complex as you like.

Here are four main health reasons to reach for a salad today:
1. Eat Salads for the Fiber

2. Eat Salads for the Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables
3. Eat Salads to Cut Calories and Increase Satisfaction
4. Eat Salads to Get Smart Fats

Wash your salad leaves before using them. Make sure your sink is clean then fill it with cold water. Gently wash the salad leaves in the water until they are clean, and then transfer them to a salad spinner and spin dry. If you don’t have a salad spinner, put them into a clean tea towel, gather the edges up, then nip outside and spin it around your head. Make sure they’re properly dry – if they aren’t, the salad dressing won’t cling to them. Keep them in a fridge or bowl under a damp cloth until you’re ready to use them. Raw crunchy veggies, like carrots or radishes, are great in salads. But they can be quite hard if they’re in big pieces, so slice them finely or shave them into ribbons with a speed
peeler. Raw beetroots, spring onions, cucumber, courgettes and celery all work well like this. Cooked vegetables are also fantastic in salads. Peas, broad beans, asparagus and corn, cooked very quickly so they are tender, add flavour and colour. Tearing in soft herbs at the last minute adds loads of extra flavour. Basil, coriander, parsley, dill, mint or even thyme or marjoram tips are all great choices. It’s also nice to add a bit of protein to a salad, especially if you’re having it as a main meal. For a bit of crunch, try adding a few nuts or seeds.

A good salad dressing is the key to making a salad absolutely delicious, meaning you want to eat it rather than feel you have to. Another great thing about dressings is that they help us get the most from the salad: the oil and the acid in the dressing actually help our body absorb far more of the nutrients from the vegetables. Think of your salad dressing as the link that brings all the ingredients in your salad together. There are loads of ready-made bottled dressings available in the shops, but it’s so easy to make your own so try
and get into the habit of doing that rather than buying them. Most salad dressings contain an oil element – such as extra virgin olive oil, groundnut oil or sesame oil – and an acid element, such as balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, or lemon or lime juice. Aim for a ratio of 3 parts oil to 1 part acid then add any other ingredients you fancy.  If you want a slightly creamy dressing, try stirring a spoonful of natural yoghurt into the dressing.

Once dressed, salad leaves can wilt after a few minutes, so always add your dressing right before serving. If you want to ensure a really good even coating, using clean hands, quickly toss everything together. Just make sure you don’t add all of the dressing at once; add a little, mix it up then have a taste before deciding whether you need to add more. You can always add more, but you can’t take it away.

According to ayurvedic principles, a majority of warm, cooked foods are most suitable for human physiologies, with raw food indeed consigned for the warmer seasons and/or those with strong digestive fires. Raw vegetables are cold, rough and require very strong digestive fire, Agni, to digest. They can be a source of toxic impurities, or ama, when eaten in large amounts or at the wrong time of day. This does not mean they should necessarily be entirely eliminated, just that raw vegetable salads play a more minor role in ayurvedic meals than other dishes – certainly more so than in the West, where a raw salad can comprise the full meal. Salads containing raw vegetables appear in smaller amounts in ayurvedic meals, served more as a condiment or small side dish. Another ayurvedic option is to prepare salads based on cooked ingredients, such as grilled vegetables, cooked and cooled beans, pasta, and grain.
In general, serve salads during hot weather, when their cooler temperatures can help balance Pitta. Chilled ingredients extinguish the digestive fire, Agni; room temperature is a wiser choice. Serve salads at the noontime meal, when the digestive fire is most powerful, with spices and seasonings that help digestion. Black pepper, ginger, and cumin are Agni-kindling spices, and lemon/lime juice both kindles Agni and help cut ama.

Saturday 21 December 2013

Multivitamins: Consumption is wastage of money!

With three new studies finding that a daily multivitamin won't help boost the average American's health, the experts behind the research are urging people to abandon use of the supplements.
The studies found that popping a daily multivitamin didn't ward off heart problems or memory loss, and wasn't tied to a longer life span.
The studies, published in the Dec. 17 issue of the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, found that multivitamin and mineral supplements did not work any better than placebo pills.
Dietary supplements are a multibillion-dollar industry in the United States, and multivitamins account for nearly half of all vitamin sales, according to the U.S. Office of Dietary Supplements.
But a growing body of evidence suggests that multivitamins offer little or nothing in the way of health benefits, and some studies suggest that high doses of certain vitamins might cause harm.

As a result, the authors behind the new research said it's time for most people to stop taking them.
"We believe that it's clear that vitamins are not working," said Dr. Eliseo Guallar, a professor of epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
In a strongly worded editorial on the three studies, Guallar and his co-authors urged people to stop spending money on multivitamins.
Even a representatives of the vitamin industry asked people to temper their hopes about dietary supplements.
"We all need to manage our expectations about why we're taking multivitamins," Duffy MacKay, vice president of scientific and regulatory affairs for the Council for Responsible Nutrition, a trade group that represents supplement manufacturers, said in a prepared statement.
"Research shows that the two main reasons people take multivitamins are for overall health and wellness and to fill in nutrient gaps," MacKay said. "Science still demonstrates that multivitamins work for those purposes, and that alone provides reason for people to take a multivitamin."
However, Guallar said, it's not clear that taking supplements to fill gaps in a less-than-perfect diet really translates into any kind of health boost.
"It would be great if all dietary problems could be solved with a pill," he said. "Unfortunately, that's not the case."
For the first study, researchers randomly assigned almost 6,000 male doctors over the age of 65 to take either a daily Centrum Silver multivitamin or a look-alike placebo pill. Every few years, the researchers gave the men a battery of tests over the telephone to check their memories.
The men in the study were in pretty good health to begin with, and 84 percent said they faithfully took their pills each day.
After 12 years, there was no difference in memory problems between the two groups.
"No matter which way we broke it down, there was a null effect," said study author Jacqueline O'Brien, a research associate at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. "Supplements are often marketed to have benefits for brain health and things like that, and this is a pretty clear takeaway message."
The same study, however, had previously found that multivitamins might modestly reduce the risk of cancer and cataracts. Cancer risk was reduced by 8 percent, while the risk of cataracts dropped by 9 percent, compared to a placebo.
In the second study, researchers randomly assigned 1,700 heart attack survivors enrolled in a trial of therapy known as intravenous chelation to a daily regimen of high doses of vitamins and minerals or placebo pills.
Participants were asked to take six large pills a day, and researchers think many developed pill fatigue. Nearly half the participants in each part of the study stopped taking their medication before the end of the study. The average time people stuck with it was about two and a half years.
After an average of 55 months, there was no significant difference between the two groups in a composite measure that counted the number of deaths, second heart attacks, strokes, episodes of serious chest pain and procedures to open blocked arteries.
The third study, a research review, assessed the evidence from 27 studies on vitamin and mineral supplements that included more than 450,000 people. That study, conducted for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, found no evidence that supplements offer a benefit for heart disease or that they delay death from any cause. They found only a minimal benefit for cancer risk.
The results of the studies are so clear and consistent, the editorial writers said, that it's time to stop wasting research money looking for evidence of a benefit.
"The probability of a meaningful effect is so small that it's not worth doing study after study and spending research dollars on these questions," Guallar said.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Tips to reduce High Blood Pressure Effectively & Quickly!

Salt is everywhere!  No matter what product you look at, you will find salt – hidden and not so hidden.  Because of this, we have become a society addicted to this rock.  The consequences of salt addiction can be detrimental to our health, unless we make the decision to protect our health and reduce the sodium in our diet.

Many medical experts consider salt a primary contributor to high blood pressure, increased risk of stroke, heart disease and kidney failure. Sodium is necessary for optimal health – we only need 500 mg. per day!  The problem is, that we Americans consume an excess amount.  Sodium is necessary to regulate fluid balance, contract muscles, and conduct nerve impulses.  The recommended amount is no more than 2,400 mg. each day which equates to roughly 1 teaspoon of salt.  Most of us use three times this amount and over time can create health issues such as High Blood Pressure.

Many of my clients suffer from high blood pressure, so it is vital to help them lower the sodium in their diet.  Having integrated the following tips into their daily lives, they are not only living healthier, they are living a better quality of life and they don’t miss the salt!

Tips To Effectively Reduce Sodium
- Read food labels.  Reading a nutrition label will tell you exactly how much sodium you are consuming.
- Buy fresh foods.  Avoid sodium-ladened processed foods.
- Recipe calls for salt?  Cut the salt in half.
- Rinse your canned beans, canned vegetables and canned tuna.
- Avoid bacon, ham, pickles and olives.  These items are cured in salt and are loaded with sodium.
- Avoid meats packed in a marinade or sauce.
- Skip the cheese.  Cheese has a high amount of sodium – 1 cup of low-fat cottage cheese has 745 mg. per cup!
- Minimize or avoid instant foods such as pasta, soups, rice and cereals.
- Choose the labelled “Lower Salt” versions of  foods when grocery shopping.
- Eat out less.  Restaurants and fast food chain’s menu items are notoriously high in sodium.
- When eating out, don’t be shy about asking to have your food prepared without added salt.
- Buy low-sodium or salt-free condiments, sauces and marinades.
- When cooking, Replace salt with herbs and spices.  You can leave out salt and never miss it with added spices.
- Add salt at the end of cooking as salt flavour diminishes.  If you need to add salt, do it at the end of cooking.
- Lemon juice adds zest and freshness.  It does a great job of replacing salt.
- Don’t add salt to your food at the table – put the salt shaker away.
- Try a low-salt cookbook for many delicious low-salt recipes.

Did you know that your taste for salt is acquired?  Your desire for salt is reversible.  By gradually decreasing  the salt in your diet, you will easily adjust to foods without salt.  Most people find that after only two weeks of lowered sodium in the diet, they begin to no longer miss it.

By mindfully choosing to reduce your sodium or salt intake, you will create very large health benefits that will serve you for life.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

HYPERTENSION: Information in Indian System of Medicine

Ayurvedic Name: Vyanabala Vaishamya

A systolic blood pressure equal to or greater than 140 mm of Hg and /or a diastolic pressure (phase V) equal to or greater than 90 mm of Hg

Family history
Faulty dietary habits (fatty diet)
Stress, anxiety, tension

Preventive Measures
Don’ts (Apathya)
• Don’t suppress the natural urges to pass urine, flatus stools
• Avoid stress

• Junk food, salty snacks
• Canned vegetables
• Excessive condiments, fried food etc.

• Stress
• Addiction of Alcohol, Tobacco, Tea, Coffee
• Night awakening
• Day sleeping

Health Promoting Tips
Do’s (Pathya)

Dietary changes
• Low salty diet
• Low fatty diet
• Fruits & vegetables
• Coconut
• Butter milk

Lifestyle changes
• Meditation, Pranayama
• Moderate exercise
• Positive attitude
• If obese-weight reduction
Curative Herbs
Shankhapushi (Convolvulus pluricaulis)
Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamamasi)
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentine)


Hypertension or high blood pressure is a chronic cardiac medical condition in which the systemic arterial blood pressure is elevated. Blood pressure is a measurement of force against the walls of arteries as the heart pumps blood through the body. Condition is characterized by systemic arterial pressure consistently above 140 mm Hg systolic and 90 mm Hg diastolic.

Primary (essential) hypertension
• Idiopathic.
• Predisposing causes
- Family history of high blood pressure
- Life style (Smoking, extra salt intake, lack of exercise and high calorie diet)
- Mental stress.
- Type A personality ( ambitious, impatient, competitive, time-conscious etc.)
- Hyperlipidaemia.
- Obesity.

Secondary hypertension
• Renal diseases – Acute and chronic, Polycystic, Hydronephrosis Renal artery
• Endocrine
- Thyrotoxicosis.
- Acromegaly.
- Cushing’s syndrome.
- Hyperaldosteronism.
- Phaeochromocytoma.
• Neurological
- Brain tumour.
- Psychogenic.
• Disease of blood vessels like athersclerosis
• Polycythaemia.
• Iatrogenic.
• Pregnancy induced.

Preventive Measures
- Avoid excess alcohol, smoking, high calorie diet, extra salt and oily fried food.
- Adopt relaxation techniques to avoid too much mental or physical stress.
- Diet including fruits, fibers and containing more vitamins and minerals.
- Reduce chances of ebing Obese by regular exercise.

Health Promoting Tips
• Lose weight. Reduction of weight also modifies other cardio-vascular risk factors like diabetes and dyslipidemia.
• Restrict intake of salt, fried food and other foods rich in saturated fats (like ghee, butter, cream, coconut oil).
• Avoid stressful situations as far as possible.
• Take plenty of fruits and vegetables.
• Abstain from tobacco & alcoholic beverages.
• Take regular morning walk or adopt a particular exercise regimen.
• Practice yogic exercises, pranayam, meditation, etc.
Zaqtuddam Qawi (Hypertension) is a condition in which the veins of body become hard due to the pressure and amplitude of the blood flows in it. It is also called as Salabat-e-Urooq (hard pulse disease).
• Mauroosi (hereditary) factors.
• Obesity (Siman-e-Mufrit)
• Alcoholism (Kasrat-e-Sharab)
• Smoking (Kasrat-e-Tambakunoshi)
• Certain diseases (Khilti Amraz) e.g. diabetes mellitus, gout or kidney disease.

Preventive Measures
• Follow guidelines of Asbab-e-Sittta Zarooriya (six essential prerequisites).
• Avoid tobacco in any form.
• Avoid alcohol consumption.
• Avoid oily, fatty and salt rich diets.
• Avoid stress.
• Maintain body weight.

Health Promoting Tips
• Do Riyazat-e-Motadil (moderate exercise) as per instructions.
• Stop oily, fatty and salt rich diets
• Adopt healthy lifestyles.

Curative Herbs
• Khaskhas Opium poppy (Papaver somniferum Linn.)
• Tukhme kahoo Lettuce (Lactuca sativa Linn.)
• Kishneez Coriander (Coriandrum sativum Linn.)
• Asrol Serpentine wood (Rauvolfia serpentina Benth.)
• Seer Garlic (Allium sativum Linn.)
• Sankaholi Morning-glory (Evolvulus alsinoides Linn.)

• Fasad (Venesection)
• Irsaal-e-Alaq (Leeching)
• Idrar-e-Arq (Diaphoresis)

Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by the blood against the wall of the main
arteries. The normal blood pressure level is 120/80 mmHg. Hypertension is the blood pressure, which is above the normal level, consistently for more than six months. According to Siddha philosophy the vitiation of Azhal humour is the main cause for Athi Rattha Azhutham. Hypertension is one of the major causes of death and disabilities worldwide and hence it is rightly called as ‘Silent Killer’.

• Hereditary
• Cardiovascular diseases
• Obesity
• High blood cholesterol
• Diabetes mellitus
• Hectic and stressful life
• Mental agony
• Insufficient sleep and rest
• High salt intake

Preventive Measures
• Avoid excess intake of Salt
• Reduce the intake of Oil, Meat and Egg
• Avoid Smoking & Alcohol

Health Promoting Tips
• Take plenty of water & fruit Juice
• Drink decoction of cumin and coriander seeds
• Walking
• Breathing exercise
• Meditation
• Yoga

Curative Herbs
• Cirakam - Cuminum cyminum
• Maruthampattai - Terminalia arjuna
• Musumusukkai - Mukia maderaspatana
• Ven Thamarai - Nelumbo nucifera
• Sarpagandha - Rauwolfia serpentina
• Vellai pundu - Allium sativum
• Elam - Elettaria cardamomum
• Kothumalli - Coriandrum sativum
• Sataamaangil - Nardostachys grandiflora
• Elumicam Pazham - Citrus aurantifolia
• Venkayam - Allium cepa
• Seenthil - Tinospora cordifolia

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Obesity: Information in Indian System of Medicine


Ayurvedic Name: Sthaulya
Excess deposition of fat on the body causing discomfort in routine activities and/or adverse effects on health is called sthaulya (obesity).

CausesThe lifestyle, mainly food habits contribute. Heredity is also an important factor in causing obesity.
Dietary habits:
• Over eating
• Intake of heavy, sweets, cold & unctuous food

Life style causes:• Lack of exercise
• Day sleep
• Purposeless cheerfulness & lack of seriousness
• Lack of mental exercise

Preventive Measures

Don’ts (Apathya)

• Over eating
• Heavy, sweet, cold, unctuous food, milk products etc.
• Fried Food
• Preserved, canned food

Lifestyle:• Day sleep
• Physical rest
• Mental rest
• Sluggish routine, lack of exercise

Health Promoting Tips

Do’s (Pathya)

Dietary:• Fresh healthy food at regular intervals
• Low fat diet
• High fiber diet
• Plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits
• Yava (barley), chana (black gram) etc.

Lifestyle:• Gradual increase in night awakening i.e. vigil
• Physical exercise (regular & moderate)
• Mental exercise
• Strong motivation and will to loose weight
Curative Herbs/Animal Product/Mineral
• Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
• Musta (Cyperus rotundus)
• Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
• Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica)
• Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica)
• Takrarishta
• Honey
• Shilajatu
• Vidangadi Lauha

Siman-e-Mufrit (Obesity) is condition in which excess body fat accumulates to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and increased health problems.

Causes• Kasrat-e-Ghiza (overeating): Overeating leads to weight gain, especially if the diet happens to be Kaseer-ush-Shahm (high in fat).
• Ghair Mtaharrik Tarz-e-hayat (Sedentary lifestyle) results in Qillat-e-Ihteraq-e- Ghiza (fewer calories’ burn) which leads to accumulation of Shahm (fat) in the body.
• Istehala-e-Bati (slow metabolism).
• Soo-e-Mizaj-e-Barid (cold temperament).

Preventive Measures• Taqleel-e-gGhiza (diet restriction) is most important measure. Ghiza-e-Lateef qaleel-ut-taghziayah (light and low calorie diet) is to be used and Ghiza-e-Kaseef Kaseer-ut-taghziayah (heavy and high calorie diet) is to be avoided.
• Motadil Badani wa Nafsani sukoon (normal physical and psychic rest).
• Motadil Naum-o-Yaqzah
• Keep a balance in Harkat wa Sukoon Badani Wa Nafsaani (body and psychic movement & repose).
• Take Hammam-e-Haar (Hot bath).
• Practice Kasrat-e-Saum (frequent fasting)
• Fasd (venesection)
• Ishaal – As per the individual requirement.

Health Promoting Tips• Riyazat-e-Motadil (physical exercise) is the second most important measure for Tahzeel (weight loss). Physical activity and exercise help burn calories, regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle to maintain a healthy weight for the long term.
• Avoid oily & fatty diets.
• Adopt healthy lifestyle.
• Hot bath at empty stomach
• Diaphoresis

Curative herbs/Animal product• Luke-e-Maghsool Laakh/Luk (Coccus lacca)
• Utraj Lemon (Citrus limon (Linn.) Burm.f.)
• Zeera Siyah Caraway (Carum carvi Linn.)
• Kalongi Black cumin (Nigella sativa Linn.)
• Ajwain Khurasani Henbane (Hyoscyamus alba Linn.)
• Seer Garlic (Allium sativum Linn.)

Regimens• Idrar-e-Arq (Diaphoresis)
• Idraar-e-Baul (Diuresis)
• Hammam-e-yabis (Hot and Dry Bath)
• Riyazaat (Exercise)

ACIDITY: Effective & Popular Home Remedies

If you are suffering from gastritis, then clove acts as the wonder drug to get you rid of this sensation. Just chew say about two cloves and slightly bite them so that juices keep oozing out. Soon, the problem will vanish.
Cumin seeds
Take say about a teaspoon of cumin seeds and then roast them. After roasting, crush them in such a manner that they don't become powder. Now, add this to a glass of water and have it with every meal you take. It does wonders.
Jaggery can help a lot in treating heartburn and acidity. Consume a small lump and allow it to get dissolved in your mouth to get relief from acidity. But, this remedy should not be tried by people who have diabetes.
Raita prepared with curd and added with ingredients like grated cucumber and coriander will surely aid in digestion and help eliminate acidity.
Basil leaves
Basil leaves are popular for their medicinal properties. Chewing say around 5-6 basil leaves relieves acidity to a lot of extent. One can also make a blend of crushed basil leaves and dried leaves which can be consumed with water or tea or simply be swallowed.
A yet another simple and most easy homemade remedy to treat acidity is consuming buttermilk mixed with a little say about ½ teaspoon of black pepper powder.
It is also a good idea to drink fresh mint juice or chew raw mint leaves after meals everyday to keep acidity and indigestion away from you.
Ginger is considered as a cure-all herb as it helps in treating so many different kinds of conditions. Consume just the right amount of ginger about half an hour before each meal and feel the difference.
Milk is a drink that consists of a large amount of calcium which helps in preventing build-up of stomach acid. So, drink a glass of milk after your meal to soothe your stomach after having a spicy meal.
Vanilla ice cream
Yes, gorging a cup of your favourite vanilla ice cream not just savours your sweet tooth but also helps combat gastritis. This is an easy home remedy to fight acidity.

Saturday 14 December 2013

Diabetes: Information in Indian System of Medicine


Ayurvedic Name: Madhumeha
Diabetes (Madhumeha) is a metabolic syndrome that interferes with the body’s ability to process carbohydrates and sugar into fuel. It is characterized by high blood glucose levels.

Hereditary proneness (Beeja Dosha)
Excessive intake of freshly harvested food articles
Sleeping for long time specially during day time
Environmental toxins, autoimmune disorders
Intake of freshly prepared alcoholic drinks
Excessive intake of sweet/starch
Indulging in extra luxuries, laziness
Sedentary occupation
Lack of exercise
All Kapha aggravating factors
Manas Hetu : Strain, stress, worries, grief, anger, anxiety, fear, depression

Preventive Measures
Don’ts (Apathyas) – Excess use of following should be avoided:
Alcohol, milk, oil, ghee, flour, syrups, curd
Amla, madhura, lavana rasa pradhana dravyas
Naveena Anna (Freshly harvested grains)
Ikshu rasa (Sugarcane juice)
Guda (Jaggery)
Meat of animal which are living in water
Sedentary life style
Divaswapan (Day sleep)
Supression of urine
Riding & walking for long time (Exertion)

Health Promoting Tips
Do’s (Pathyas)
Diet to be promoted:
Take low fat diet
Barley wheat
Fruit and leaf of patola, shigru, karavellaka

Lifestyle to be adopted:
Morning walk
light exercise
Yoga - Shavasan, Pranayam

Curative Herbs
Methi (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)
Bimbi (Coccinia indica Wight. & Arn.)
Gudamar (Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R.Br. ex Schult.)
Jambu (Syzygium cumini L.)
Karavellaka (Momordica charantia L.)
Udumbara (Ficus glomerata Roxb.)
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook.f. & Thoms. )
Triphala (Myrobalans)


Diabetes is a chronic disease, which occurs when the pancreas does not produce enough insulin, or when the body cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. This leads to an increased concentration of glucose in the blood (hyperglycemia).
Type 1 diabetes (previously known as insulin – dependent or childhood onset diabetes) is characterized by a lack of insulin production.
Type 2 diabetes (previously known as non - insulin dependent or adult onset diabetes) is caused by the body’s ineffective use of insulin.
Gestational diabetes is hyperglycemia that is first recognized during pregnancy.

Primary Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1 or Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM))
- Juvenile onset.
- Associated with autoimmune disorders
- Resulting in destruction of pancreatic islet cells by anti – islet cell antibodies.
- Association with HLA-DR3 and HLA- DR4 (Human Leucocytic antigen)
Type 2 or Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM):
- Exact cause is not known.
- Predisposing causes like obesity, sedentary life style
- Familial predisposition
- Ageing i.e. Maturity onset diabetes of young (MODY)
- High calorie diet
- Pregnancy
- Physical and mental stress
Associated with endocrine disorders, Acromegaly, Cushing’s syndrome, Thyrotoxicosis, Phaeochromocytoma, Chronic pancreatitis etc.
Pancreatic destruction due to excessive iron accumulation.
Iatrogenic - Steroids, Contraceptive pills, Thiazide diuretics etc.

Preventive Measures
Sugar levels to be checked every six months, or as advised by the consulting physician.
Avoid fried, sweets and fast foods.
Avoid mental stress. It is a known aggravating factor for diabetes.
Rather than taking 3 large meals, try eating small meals frequently.
Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes. (If you are a heart patient, you must ask your doctor for the exercises you should or you should not).

Health Promoting Tips
Relaxation techniques to avoid undue stress.
Regular exercise regimen and balanced diet which is low in carbohydrates and contain vitamins and minerals
Routine medical check ups to avoid complications

Ziabetus (diabetes) is a condition characterized by “Abnormal increase appetite and collapse of sexual function in association with Atash-e-Mufrit (polydypsia), Kasrat-e- Baul (polyuria) and weakness in body.

Soo-e-Mizaj (deranged temperament) of certain organs. This may be Soo-e-Mizaj Saadah or Maaddi due to this Soo-e-Mizaj (deranged temperament), functions of certain organs like Kabid (Liver), Me’da (stomach), Masaareeqa (Mesenteries), Baanqaraas (Pancreas) and Kuliyah (Kidney) are affected.
Excessive use of alcohol.
Infaalat-e Nafsania (psychological functions) e.g. stress, worries & emotion.
Negative emotions and fear.

Preventive Measures
Follow measures of Asbab-e-Sitta Zarooriya (six essentials factors) of healthy  lifestyle should be practiced accordingly.
Maintain regular aerobic exercise for required period.
Should follow diabetic diet chart for specific calories.
Quit smoking as it increases the risk.
Avoid consumption of alcohol.
Avoid stress and strain.
Avoid sedentary lifestyle.

Health Promoting Tips
Take meals at short intervals instead of three large meals a day.
Perform vigorous exercise once a week.
Avoid stress and fear.
Sleep 7-8 hours at night.
Special attention should be given to the hygiene of feet.
Maintain your weight according to age, sex and height.
Lifestyle modifications and health education can minimize the risk of diabetes.

Curative Herbs
Kernel of Jamun Jambolan plum (Syzygium cuminii Linn.)
Kernel of Binola Levant cotton (Gossypium herbaceum Linn.)
Falsa Phalsa (Grewia asiatica Linn.)
Bark of Karela Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia Linn.)
Tender shoot of Neem Margo (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.)
Leaves of Belgiri Bengal quince (Aegle marmelos Correa ex Roxb.
Hulba Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graceum)
Kalonji Black cumin (Nigella sativa Linn.)

Neerizhivu (Diabetes mellitus) is defined as disease of metabolism (metabolic disorder), in which sugar is present in large amount in the blood and is excreted often in the urine. Due to derangement of Pitham Bio combustion is challenged leading to Neerizhuvu. Types of diabetes are as follows:
1) Insulin dependent (IDDM)
2) Non dependant (NIDDM)
3) Gestational
Sedentary life style
Genetic factor
Over eating
Intake of heavy sweets and carbohydrates
Lack of exercise
Day time sleep
Mental stress
Lack of seriousness
Repeated infections

Preventive Measures
Siddha advocates specific dietary and life style changes for Neerizhvu (Diabetes
Diet must be moderate with regular intervals.
Fiber rich food is advised and hence lot of vegetables such as brinjal, cu-cumber,
lady’s finger, green tomatoes, plantain flower, drumsticks, cabbage, spinach and
green leafy vegetables can be taken.
Milk products can also be taken in moderation to maintain the normal health of the
When there is diarrhea, athippinju (tender fruit of Ficus racemosa), mam-paruppu
(seed of Mangifera indica) and sundaikkai (Solanum torvum) to be given.

Don’t’s & Avoid
Over eating
Sweet, cold, unctuous food, milk products etc.
Fried food.
Preserved and canned food.
Alcohol should be avoided.
Yoga should be practiced (Yoga mudra,Vakrasanam,Patchi mothan asanam)

Curative Herbs
Avarai (Cassia curiculata)
Konraiver (Root of Cassia fistula)
Naval (Syzygium cuminni)
Kadal azhhlinjal (Salacia oblonga)
Sirukurinjan (Gymnema sylvestre)
Maruthampattai (Bark of Terminalia arjuna)
Kadukkai (Terminalia chebula)
Vilaver (Root of Aegle marmalos)
Seenthil (Tinospora cordifolia)
Santhanum (Santalum album)
Thamarai mottu (Bud of Nelumbo nu-cifera)
Korai kizhangu (Cyperes rotundus)